We understand your business and enhance your success with strategic financial solutions.

Who Are We?

Finances for Leaders is a consultancy with the proposal to deeply understand our clients' businesses and then enhance their financial results through strategic financial solutions.

We differentiate ourselves through the exclusive insights delivered to our clients that enable rapid action to improve their results, combined with agility in service and adherence to the best project management practices for our deliverables.

The founder, Jonson Andrade, graduated in Accounting from UFRJ and holds an MBA in Business Management from FGV-RJ. He has 20 years of experience leading the financial area of companies in Brazil, Latin America, and the United States. His specialty is directing companies towards sustainable growth, based on Christian values.

We are a team of eight consultants, ready to implement the best financial management practices in your company.

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Apply to participate in the Finance for Leaders course 

Free course sponsored by our consulting unit.

A leader is a person who directs a team to achieve the company's goals. Whether as a multifunctional executive or in operations, logistics, sales, marketing, IT, human resources, a leader needs to have financial knowledge.

The major difference of the Finance for Leaders course is the quick return on time invested. The financial management tools learned have immediate practical application.

There are six asynchronous classes, each lasting approximately two hours, plus the live inaugural welcome class.


Applying on-demand the best practices of your industry in the financial area, we will together enhance the success of your company with strategic financial solutions normally accessible only to large multinational companies!

We understand your business and enhance your success with strategic financial solutions.

We differentiate ourselves by deeply studying our clients' industry, which allows us to combine our financial knowledge to generate unique insights that, when applied, will add value to your business.

Additionally, get ready to have a business partner who will provide you with a quick response and deliver work using the best project management practices.